BAME Health

YAWR will provide advocacy support for individuals who do not meet the SPS criteria. The support includes benefits, debt, housing, and carer support. Individuals struggling financially due to language and IT barriers will be supported by YAWR to apply for grants and debt support. One of the key activities delivered as part of this project will enable YAWR to become responsive and flexible in meeting needs of the wider community.

Technology is a key barrier to obtaining appropriate advice and information. The majority of individuals supported are IT illiterate. Therefore, weekly sessions will be delivered in utilising technology to access information and advice. Aim is to develop confidence so that they can utilise technology to address social isolation as well as seeking information. This activity will connect people, improve access to local community support for emotional wellbeing and will be responsive and flexible in its delivery.

In addition to the above challenges individuals have been affected by the recent impact of Covid where individuals have experienced bereavement and seeking bereavement support which is culturally sensitive. YAWR have identified that there is a gap in service provision due to language and culture which mainstream services are not able to meet. This activity will improve access for individuals that experience barriers to engagement and improve their emotional wellbeing and anxiety.



You Asked We Responded (YAWR) Services aim are to support the communities of Rotherham and the surrounding areas of South Yorkshire with a range of supporting activities to improve their qualities of life.

Sponsors / Partners
