Multiply Year 2

YAWR Services recognise that Maths is essential for everyday life skills for parents, critical to the self employed, necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. The intent of this learning opportunity is the content that we expect participants to learn and understand will improve their quality of life. Therefore, learning opportunities delivered will engage participants in meaningful learning through individual and collaborative experiences that promote their ability to make sense of mathematical ideas, reason mathematically and solve problems by applying what they have learned and understood.  In engaging and developing learning opportunities we will ensure that numeracy skills delivered include basic knowledge of numbers, calculation skills, budgeting, interpreting mathematical information, understanding relationships between numbers, understanding trends, measurement and data analysis. These sessions will be delivered in both bitesized chunks and substantive learning opportunities.

YAWR are aware that businesses look for an ability to reason with numerical data such as being able to compile statistical data in various formats, including analysing, interpreting and presenting data in a clear way. Numerical, especially financial skills increasingly involve using software such as using Excel. Therefore, we will ensure that we will include Excel in delivering learning opportunities to those looking for employment, self employed and household budgets.



You Asked We Responded (YAWR) Services aim are to support the communities of Rotherham and the surrounding areas of South Yorkshire with a range of supporting activities to improve their qualities of life.

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