Social Prescribing Services

YAWR’s main aim in delivering social prescribing is to help people become more resilient and able to self-care. Through the support that YAWR provides, individuals are more likely to continue living at home independently and become less dependent on statutory health and social care services.


YAWR works in collaboration with GP’s and health services to plan an integrated and pre-emptive support for people who are at higher risk of unplanned hospital admissions, presenting at accident and emergency, going into residential care prematurely or becoming dependent on mental health services.


The role of YAWR support workers is to address people’s wider social needs by helping them to access voluntary and community activities and services. YAWR support workers meet referred people to assess each person’s individual social needs including practical, social and emotional support. An action plan is agreed, and a copy left with each individual.


Practical support may include services such as:

  • Respite for carers
  • Assistance with welfare benefits advice
  • Social support may include taking people to social groups



You Asked We Responded (YAWR) Services aim are to support the communities of Rotherham and the surrounding areas of South Yorkshire with a range of supporting activities to improve their qualities of life.

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